The Come Up Project Trailer #3

The Come Up Project Trailer #3 from The Come Up on Vimeo.

Trailer # 3 includes cuts and quick shots of more familiar faces. Look out for more documentary previews. The Documentary is projected to release early 2011 Date TBA The Come Up Project covers lifestyle of music, skate, art, streetwear & fashion cultures from musicians, lines, designers, artists, and skaters on "the come up" to the celebrities who have made it. Solely to inspire people to get up and do something with their lives. Stay tuned for more videos, look out for Vol. 3 and follow for episodes and features.

Tuesday, March 2

Lebron Drops 23 to 6

In honor of Michael Jordan LeBron James has decided to drop the infamous jersey number 23 and use 6. This was his way of honoring his hero and who is the hero to many others. Over the weekend according to a local newspaper LeBron filled the necessary paper work to make this change official. There is no particular reason why LeBron decided to pick 6.

Also keep in mind this year is a questionable year because LeBron James along with a few other key players in the league like Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosch just to name a few are all going to be eligible to be free agents. Many speculate that these players may all migrate East to the Knicks and dominate. At the end of the day knowbody knows so we will all have to wait and see.

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